Two Therapies, One Goal: Achieving Total Body Balance through Massage and Chiropractic

In addition to addressing back pain, neck pain and chronic headaches chiropractic care has been linked to improved balance, posture and quality of life. Chiropractic is a natural, drug-free approach to healthcare that addresses the whole person. The spine and nervous system are central to the function of the entire body. Chiropractors are experts in the nervous system and reducing interference with the spinal cord and nerves is the primary focus of a chiropractor’s work. The spine is the conduit that sends information to every cell in the body, so keeping the nervous system functioning well is critical for overall health and wellness.

Balance is important for everyday activity and physical performance. It teaches the body to act as one unit and strengthens muscle groups that may not typically get worked out. It also helps prevent falls and injuries by improving your awareness of the position of the body in space.

A study published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity found that 12 weeks of BodyBalance training improved some measures of balance and functional tasks in healthy older adults. However, the results did not show significant improvements in fear of falling or self-reported quality of life.

Chiropractic is a holistic treatment that promotes wellness by activating the body’s ability to heal itself through manual therapy including spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation has been shown to encourage the production of melatonin which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and can help you achieve a restful slumber.

Massage therapy is a natural, drug-free method of treating the musculoskeletal system and has been shown to reduce musculoskeletal pain and inflammation as well as increase range of motion and flexibility. It also promotes relaxation which can reduce anxiety, depression and stress. It has been shown to improve balance and posture as well as reduce the symptoms of many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and asthma.

When combined, physical therapy and massage therapy are extremely effective in treating a wide range of conditions. This is why we at Whole Body Balance incorporate both types of treatment into our patient care programs. Multidisciplinary care has been shown to increase patient recovery time and result in a lower number of visits needed to reach a desired outcome.

Midtown Family Wellness offer advanced spinal correction and adjustments using state-of-the-art techniques that are actually safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. Our experienced chiropractors have years of training and expertise in helping patients find relief from a variety of issues originating in the spine including back pain, neck pain and headaches.

If you would like to see if chiropractic and massage therapy can help you recover from your specific condition, please contact us for a free consultation. We’d be happy to provide you with the care and guidance you need to return to your optimal level of function and well-being. We look forward to seeing you soon!